Eat, Pray, Love.

Romantic Italian books

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‘Eat, Pray, Love’ is one of those books - you either love it or you hate it, and all within minutes of opening it up.

The ‘Eat’ section is the one based in Rome, Italy, and in our view is the best part of the book. Eating the world’s best pizza, drinking some good Italian wine and enjoying the most delicious ice cream ever, the main character begins her journey of self-discovery in Italy before moving on to spend the rest of her year divided between Mumbai and Bali.

The fact that Italy is the country used to portray the author’s need to find enjoyment in her life rings absolutely true : those are important parts of Italian culture and traditions.

But whether you think she is a self-indulgent, spoilt brat or a sensitive, self-aware woman trying to find herself is a matter for each reader personally. Inspirational or annoying pain in the neck? You can only judge once you’ve read the book.

'Est, Pray, Love' is not one of the most romantic books in the usual sense of the word. The author has, after all, just split up with her husband.

But it's a good summer read, and the passages about Rome and its mouth-watering 'gelato' will have you longing to get back there.

Looking for the film of the book?

This link will take you to the popular DVD of Eat Pray Love
starring Julia Roberts.

’Eat, Pray, Love’ to more Italian romantic books.

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